About Us
Hello, and welcome to Freedom Home Care! My name is Ron King, and I am the owner and founder. I was inspired to start this company because of a long-standing friendship. This friend is over ninety years old and is an extremely independent woman; she lives alone and is able to be independent in 95% of her daily living.
She stopped driving over 15 years ago and no longer feels safe taking the bus. So, I wanted to help and drove her wherever she needed to go. I assisted her with grocery shopping and doctor’s appointments, and even helped by doing chores around her house.
In a nutshell, I realized she was not unique in neither her desire to live in her own house, nor the strength of her commitment to hold onto her independence. Millions of adults are facing similar situations – tens of thousands in our own state alone, and several hundred in our smaller communities. I’m sure you have a friend or family member who is in a similar situation.
In our ever-changing world, our families are spread all over the country. Children live in different states – siblings may be in similar situations – and finding support to help may be difficult and frustrating at best.
Thus, Freedom Home Care was created to bring services to its clients, supporting their effort in maintaining their desired level of Independence. We look forward to hearing from you and how we can help.